Shows 3 to 8 years

With dishes like crazy

Sally, Clap and Leo have been to celebrate the birthday of his grandmother Josephine Baker (Spy French, and one of the first stars...

A place for the iron and ironing board

It's game over! "To save to keep everything in its place". How many times have we heard that phrase...

merca inventa

Tres personajes muy disparatados entran a toda velocidad al supermercado para hacer la compra.


Singing under the moon

Everything was normal in the office for lost objects, until suddenly the day turns into a real madness...

Fun in the sea

I laughed with the one who had the saxophone, because it had a boat...

It all fits together

The brothers nitwits they sneak in a factory of soft drinks with the mission to find the secret that is in there hiding...


 Brrr, Ajam and Plas Plas are trapped in Teladonia, the maze loom largest in the world. To get out of it...


A day at the races what a thrill! Three mechanical freaks have the mission to prepare everything needed for the race tomorrow...

Shows from 8 to 12 years

Where is my wifi

A strange phenomenon through the city. The moon came out deparada and the satellite which broadcasts the internet signal through...

The musicians of the rms titanic

All the world believes that after the sinking of the Titanic, the heroic musicians who played to the last moment of the wreck sank with him...